Sanguinetti Sensei
Goju Ryu Hachi Dan (8th Dan) and Matayoshi Kobudo Kyu Dan
(9th Dan), Sensei Sanguinetti is the
founder and Chief Instructor of the Bushikan Budo Kyokai and
the Matayoshi Kobudo Kodokan International
with Honbu Dojo in San Diego. He is
the West Coast Director for the Shorei Shobu Kan and instructor
responsible for Kobudo. He is also
a member of the Board of the International
Directors for the Intercontinental
Bujutsu Federation. He
has been a member of the Peruvian and Venezuelan National
Karate Teams. Sanguinetti Sensei
spent 35 years representing and promoting the
Matayoshi Family and the Kodokan Organization
in Okinawa worldwide.
has trained in Karate and Kobudo for over 53 years. His Karate and Kobudo background
includes intensive training in Japan and Okinawa where he
continues to travel every year. |